Cinematography workshop (by Chennai Film Industry experts) on Dec 26, 27 @ Bangalore, Sarjapura road

On Dec 26, 27 Sat, Sun,  10 am to 4.30 pm, (with Buffet Lunch)
(Venue map, at the bottom)
                 The renowned Cameramen of Chennai film industry Mr.Armstrong and Mr.Gnanam are here to teach you..!!@sarjpura main road, near carmelaram railway station.

(Thanks for the relatively highest hit rate of this blog in a single day)

Lightings and Camera angles would be explained with reasons from famous movies.
A cinematographer, Mr. Vijay Armstrong, who is working in tamil film industry, is going to run this workshop about Cinematography . He authored a book named 'Lighting - a language'.
Fee Rs. 5k. Two days workshop ( Theory + Practical). Lunch and Tea snacks will be served.

Why 5k?

Guys who know about such workshops knew this is very nominal cost. As for a ONE day PHOTOGRAPHY workshop by NON PROFESSIONALs around Rs.8k/- is being charged.

Here we are running TWO days CINEMATOGRAPHY workshop by CHENNAI FILM industry professionals.So don't miss this rare opportunity.
Nominal fee  for this time. Quality guaranteed. Don't miss these legends of camera and lighting.  Instead of 20k , as a first time offer , the course has been given for 5K.
Another cinematographer, Mr. Gnanam, who worked in both Hindi, Tamil movies ( 36 vayadhinilae) and lot of ads may also join along with him. 
It would be a different learning experience for the participants. Try to bring your camera if possible, not mandatory.
 Expensive coach accepting for a nominal fee. So don't miss it. Next time it might be double or triple the price.

Limited seats only as per the trainer's request. So please send a mail to to reserve your seat. First come first serve. 
Tentative Agenda:
Day - 1
Introduction to the fundamental tools of cinematography – Cameras , lights , Metering & lensing.
1. Different types of Cameras used in Tamil/Indian film Industry
2. Different Parts in the Camera and its Function
3. Filters: Introduction, Its Effects
4. Exposure Meter and its uses
5. Introduction to Lenses
6. Basic Type of Primary Lenses
7. Zoom Lenses, Micro Lenses, Close-ups diopters
8. Depth of Field
9. Different type of lights used in Cinematography
10. Different type of Lighting Accessories and its uses
Introduction to Basic Rules
1. 180’ Rule
2. Line of Action
3. Rule of Third
4. 5’c of Cinematography
5. The Cinematographer and His Job
Introduction to the digital image acquisition paradigm and its workflows, various formats, aesthetics and image manipulation techniques in the Digital Cinematography.
Day 2:
1.Basic Lighting Technics
2. Practical - Varies Lighting Methods
3. Digital Film Making Workflow
4. Spot Editing Work Flow

Short films will be screened and guidance will be given. Separate update might be there.

Cinematographic History of Mr.Vijay Armstrong

THOTTAL THODARUM (2013) On Shooting.Tamil Feature Film - Directed by Cable Sankar.
• AZHAGU KUTI CHELLAM (2013)Under Post Production.Tamil Feature Film - Directed by Charles.
• ONDIPPULI (2012) Tamil Feature Film - Directed by Rajaguru.
• MATHI YOSI (2010) Tamil Feature Film - Directed By Nantha Priyasamy.
• POGAIPADAM (2009) Tamil Feature Film - Directed by Rajesh Lingam.

Cinematographic History of Mr.Gnanam subramanian

Associated with 36 vayadhinilae and lot of ads,documentaries and Hindi movies.


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