Monkey's Group dynamics & Interesting links

Premam dance - Till date not published in youtube - Just this feb 2016 it got uploaded.

சும்மா கொறிக்க :

A group of 10 monkeys were placed in a large pen with a climbing frame in the centre, topped with a cornucopia of fruit. Every time a monkey tried to climb to the top, loud buzzers and bright lights were used to scare the monkeys. Eventually, the 10 monkeys learnt never to climb for the fruit. 
Now, one of these 10 monkeys was switched out for a new monkey. This monkey, having had no experience of the loud buzzers/lights instinctively attempts to climb the ladder to get the fruit… each time the other 9 original monkeys would beat the outsider until he understood not to climb the frame… The experiment continues, with swapping out one monkey at a time, till none of the original monkeys remain – all monkeys in the pen have never been exposed to the loud noises and lights and yet none would climb to get the fruit… In fact, the new monkeys would not know why they weren’t climbing to get the fruit, but all would quickly learn that they just should not. Turning the trap on or off made no difference in the end as no monkeys ever climbed the frame.

How often do people do something because that’s the way they were told to do it? Or that’s how it’s always been done? At some point you have to question whether or not you could do better by challenging convention. 

Yes, the metaphorical penalties may still be in place if you try, but then again those assumptions – of climbing equals scary noises for example – may no longer be valid! And it is the few brave enough to climb in spite of convention that always get the fruit at the top.

இந்த 'few brave enough ' monkeys  தான் பெரியார், காமராசர் , Omandur Ramaswamy Reddy ஓமந்தூரார்....போன்றோர்.

 loud buzzers and bright lights were used to scare the monkeys - இது  வேற ஒன்னும் இல்ல ....MetaPhoric of நம்மை தூற்றும்  சமூகம் 

Some Interesting youtube links - SPEECHES

Nilaakaalam Movie:

என்னடா படம் ...ஒரு மாதிரியா ...கொஞ்சம் வித்யாசமா இருக்கே ...யாரு ஸ்கிரிப்ட்-ன்னு 
பாத்தா ....ஷாக் ஆயிட்டேன் .  நம்ம தல ....இது ஒரிஜினல் தல. இது தான் தல ....மத்ததெல்லாம் தறுதல .

Seemaan's Theri speech
tamanna speech - ஸ்டைலிஷ் 

 பாமரன் speech on  விசாரணை :

Another Unique Business Ideas: Which attracts me
3.  Even OLA app booking is a unique thing. You will get a cab for cheap price within 10 min.

against kamal by amuthan

against visaranai by charu


இந்த வலைப்பதிவில் உள்ள பிரபலமான இடுகைகள்

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