Y thoughts in Mahabharatha

இது நம்ம ஆளு - இது நம்ம படம் ன்னு தோனுதாமே ? really ?
ரொம்ப நாளுக்கு அப்புறம் ....ஆனாலும் சில மாவட்டங்களில் தடையாமே..? தனுஷ் எதுவும் பண்றாரோ ? ச்சே ..ச்சே ..இருக்காது.

Every night I used to glance through a page of the app 'Mahabharatha' in my tablet

Some of the following things Made me to think 'Y' ?  and  'Oh..my..my..!!

1. Satyavathi's father, a fishermen, asked saanthanu that his grandson 
would be the next heir to the throne. Can't a king can manage a fishermen on 
this ?

2. saanthanu ,at the old age, pledged his son's enjoyment, put him to 
celibacy and he married a cutie. Is it fair ?

3.Saanthanu, didn't any ask questions to Ganga, his first wife, until the 8th kid is about to be thrown into the river. Is he a man ?

4. Pandavas, although called so, were not born to Pandu, his father. But to Devars yama,vayu,indira and medico twins. why not kubera and others ? why only 5 , although Kauravas are 100 in numbers. Also nakula and sahadeva are twins ?

5. Pandu killed mating deers , so got cursed to follow 'mandatory celibacy'. Why do they mate in the form of deers? ;-)

6. Duriyodhana should be the king as he is the eldest heir of Thirutharashtra. Thirutharashtra , the eldest become disqualified due to his 
blindness. Pandu went to forest and after 16 yrs of celibacy (?) he died ,when 
trying to 'have' maduri.

7. Both pandu & thirutharashtra & Vidura also not born to their father 
Vichitraviriyan, who died due to illness. They born to vyasa, the famous
sage,Sathyavathi's son, who  again, born illegally for parasara sage and sathyavathi. 

8. Kunti also not born to her father kuntiboja. but to soorasena. His friend

9. Krishna also not born to his parents.

10. Kamsa killed 7 infants . 8th is krishna. Ganga killed 7. 8th is Bhisma.
11. Karna@Radheya also not born to his parents. .Born illegally to kunthi

12. Duriyodhana also not born to kandhari as a normal kid. 
13. Throupathi born out of fire. For a small word 'Share among 
yourself' , if throupathi has been shared as wife for 5 men...what is the 
logic ? karpukarasi's word should be followed ? If so then kunthi, who gave birth to karna before marriage, and hiding the same, cannot be a karpukarasi.

14. Bhisma born but taken off by ganga for yrs. Trained by parasurama. Not sure he is the same son of Ganga and saanthanu. Becoz she took him with her and returned him to saanthanu after 14 years.

15. Drona & krupa are b-in-law like Arjuna & krishna - Subadra sister of krishna Married to Arjuna. 

16. Kadothkaja born to idumbi. Abimanyu born to Subathra. Krishna 
knows his sister's son death beforehand, still he didn't try to stop it. But tried a lot to stop the deaths of pandavas.

17. Throupathi was getting naked and everyone watching in the name of patriotism...is it patriotism or 'selective' autism. Curious oldies.

18. All the sons of Throupathi, born for 5 pandavas was killed by Ashwathaama at the end of the war . So Pareekshith , son of Abhimanyu took over the throne.
Ashwathaama was cursed by krishna to live a unhealthy, smelly life for his bad conduct.

19. Ashwathaama, son of Dronacharya, didn't know how to get back 'Brahmashtra'. But Arjun knows how to get it back. Did drona not  caring to teach it to his passionate kid ?

20. Krishna died as the effect of a curse, by a arrow in his leg. Like Troy guy Achilles.


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