Don't Breathe - English movie - Directorial Aspirant Perspective ;-)

Don’t  Breathe..!!

1.       First shot – Dragging a girl’s body by her hair – 20 sec shot + Long time + Zooming from Long distance – Drone shot
2.       Some guys are stealing- thieves planning for a theft – Showing details of each – Good boy, Bad boy, Girl
Breaking the door glass . why ? ( to show that its a burglary, not stolen using keys)
3.       Good boy’s dad – a security company guy- holding keys of client houses.
4.       Girl’s background –
a) shown by a short display of her home conversation (her mother speaking bad )
b) explaining about her tattoo –
- She was tortured by her mum + due to her dad’s divorce + having a nice daughter and she needs money badly to take her out of her house.
5.       Taking video of the victim spot + giving sleepy dose to dog + gas to victim  + alarm disabling + going with keys +  taking detail that he is protected by his dad(good’s)
6.               Getting a tip from their black buyer – about this blind guy.
Before intro of blind guy- His location shown with 10 shots ( Inference: to make it feel the beauty of a location, u can go ahead with any number of still shots).
7.       Too many bad words by the bad boy – indicates he is going to die
8.       Continuous twists + Sleepy Gas didn’t affect the blind .How? why ?
Twists & Interesting spots
1.       Unexpected killing of the bad guy by the blind - shows he is a Psycho killer - Psychopathic is nothing but love deficient human being.

2.       Money locker found and got lumpsum money by the girl 
3.       Aiming to Shoot + shooting ringing mobile.
4.       Blind closing all openings
5.       Both sms-ing each other . 
6.       Blind finding existence of these guys by their SHOES.
7.       Checking again locker and getting angry

8.       Major Twist : A girl found  tied up and her history. - But books and TV for her entertainment shows how realistic & humanistic of the situation , he has revealed in the shot. If its our movie, The victim will be in jeans for 1 month with tied up hands in an empty room. That's it.

9.       Many Sudden appearances scaring us.

10.   Power cutting - Expected in the beginning itself. Why he took that much time..? In our movies that is the first thing a blind guy would do.

11.   Dog part - 4 scenes - Pushing the script 
12.   She is inside cellar + dog chasing her- My next seat guy grabbed my hand.
13.   He is hit by blind and shot shut with surprise – stabbing with gardening scissor.
14.   She is moving and getting caught and tied up to get injected with gametes. For naturality , a small hair has been added...Uvvvae....
After tied up, when cut off the dress by scissors and waiting, she looks curious and waiting. Directorial touch. But after seeing the filler filled with @#@$% she started shouting. What it means ? She expected a rape ?

15.   Blind hit by good and both escaping. Carelessness & Underestimating villain's strength.
16.   Good -shot by blind
17.   She is running out  and shouting  ‘ u worthless..’  ( V think its done ) + but  when the dog appears again, whole theatre laughs at her shouting ' bitch'.

18.   Shield dog , escaped and blind caught her.
19.   With alarm + lady bug omen + she is escaping by hitting blind.
20.   Police siren, she escapes.
21.   Watching news that blind still ok.
22.   She is moving to flight.
23.   End.

OverAll Inference:

NICE BGM + Good expressions + Gripping script + Continuous twists + Different story

Director's Success: 
Viewers ,we, instead of supporting a Blind old victim , supporting the young -bad motive- thieves. Wonderful handling.

Dialogues – ‘fought in Some Iraq’ – show other US guys don’t worry about what is outside world.
'I am not a rapist...'  Is he a good man or bad man ? Got to think . 

He served for his country - He lost his eye sight - Lost his daughter - Lost wife too - but all these never let us support the picture moves from the point of thieves. We are naturally get attached to them instead of BLIND OLD MAN. 

One house + 5 actors + a Dog – whole movie done. Even the Security Company Owner - Dad of the good one- has been introduced with a desktop picture .


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