Thoughts and Facts in Ramayana

1. Sita requested Ram to catch the deer (maareesan), but what he did was shot it by an arrow . A god got tired and killed ?

2. Ravan is a maayaavi and greatest magician. Lakshmnan's rekha is a line . Couldn't he cross it with all his might ?

3. If Hanuman can bring a mountain, why can't he just like that carry all the monkey soldiers to Srilanka, instead of laying bridge for  many days , delaying the process ?

4.  Ram was asked to hook the string to the Lord Shiva's bow, in swayamvara. But what he did ? He broke it. So by rules, he should not be married to Sita .

5. Sukreevan ,during the first time fight, was chattered and beaten dead by vaali ,due to the negligence or carelessness of Rama . Only second time, he got victory. But that too  with a hidden attack not face to face.

6. Sita not touched by Ravana for 12 months. So isn't he a hero ?

7. Why lakshman's wife not coming to forest along with him ? any info ?

8.  Ayodhya to Srilanka 3318 kms according to google map .

9. Dandakaranya is a mythological region in India, mentioned in the Ramayana. It is identified with a territory roughly equivalent to the Bastar division in the Chhattisgarh state in the central-east part of India. It covers about 92,200 square kilometres (35,600 sq mi) of land. 

10. Ram was 6 years younger to Sita as per the Real Ramayana written by Valmiki. The other scriptures are interpolated and poisoned to make it appear that Ram who is the Ideal Man, was a older man.

11. Sita was an adopted daughter of Raja Janak and Queen Sunanya . He had found a baby ‘Sita’ while ploughing the land for a yagna. 

12. Urmila on the other hand was the biological daughter of Raja Janak and Queen Sunanya. She was younger to Sita by few years.
She was betrothed to Lakshmana When Ram and Sita’s Marriage Was Fixed Both Sita and Urmila were married to Ram and Lakshman on the same day.
13. She Wanted to Accompany Lakshmana during the 14 Year Exile, but He denied
According to Valmiki’s Ramayana, Urmila was all set to accompany her husband along with her sister Sita and brother-in-law Shri Ram when the trio was leaving for the forest. However, Lakshmana advised her to stay back to take good care of her in-laws.
 Further stating it he is going to the forest as a slave of his brother where he will be busy serving them and will have no time to look after her or even care for her. He begged her to stay back and Urmila reluctantly had to agree her Swami’s request.

14. She Remained Asleep for 14 Years so that Lakshman Could Fulfill His Duty Attentively
One the very first night of the exile, Ram and Sita went to sleep in the forest while Lakshman kept a watch on them. Next, Goddess Nidra (the Goddess of sleep) approached Lakshman. He however begged her to excuse him for next 14 years so that he could carry out him dharm and duty unconditionally without any hurdle. The goddess was impressed by his devotion and agreed to leave him for the next 14 years.
However, as per the law of the nature somebody else had to bear the share of Lakshman’s sleep. This is when Lakshman requests the Goddess Nidra to go to his wife Urmila as he knew she would readily agree as she too wanted to contribute with him to fulfill his duty. When Goddess Nidra explained the situation to Urmila she at once replied, “Give me my husband’s share of sleep for the next 14 years so that he can constantly stay awake without any stress or fatigue.” This is how Urmila slept night and day during the 14 year exile while Lakshmana could serve Ram and Sita attentively.
Without the Help of Urmila, Lakshman Could Never Defeat Meghnath
Ravana’s son Meghnath was very mighty and powerful. In fact, nobody could ever defeat him in any sort of war but only a man who had not slept for years. This is the reason how Lakshman could easily defeat the invincible Megnath. Without the help and contribution of Urmila, it was really impossible for Lakshman to defeat Meghnath.


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