HIT telugu movie Drill down Analysis - Just for fun - No offense

HIT: Film Review - An Informative Thriller - BookMyShow Blog


Doubts on HIT movie (Telugu)

1. If you are in the place of Rohit, will you just finish the villain mechanic  or ask him to run away with money or

try to steal the proof (injection) ....OR....abducting your best police friend's police wife ...and keep in your own house ? - Is it logically synch ?

2. Why there is no blood or DNA samples of Preeti ( as per the Neha's statment in the climax flashback ) ...she has been injected right? So the blood or DNA must be there right?

3. Why that Villain mechanic  says 'Its money, so that i try to abduct one more girl called Lata' ? did he sell the previous girls (preeti,neha) and got some money or what..? he got money to get those girls to Rohit ..right? 

4. Why Rohit is playing with dead bodies , burying it and again get it back...and burying in another place ?

5. If he doesn't like Sheila to get trapped , then why he is exhuming(getting back the deadbody )and burying it in the place mentioned by sheila ?  ( Got drunken and as a hobby , exhuming deadbodies?)

6. If you are so rich and adopting a little girl from an orphanage and came to know that some one of the 3 girls (that too , too little...is having a heart problem ...won't  you help for her operation ? or simply adopt another girl and leave?  Some stingy Producers may do ;-)

7. If you loose your sister in the young age, and after these many years you are still crying for her and take revenge for her ? Practically no one does that. Only in movies ,  she/he go for a revenge on a guy who plucked her lollipop before 25 years.

8. Villain is trying to shoot  police officers (and killed Ibrahim too) as if he was a terrorist. A poor mechanic who did girl abduction for money would do this ? Characterization is not strong here.

9. Beginning the movie like a  great serial killer case....but finished it with a small petty case revenge murder....

10. Overall gripping...if you see one more time it will be tripping..;-)


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